Today we are going to share the aisle runner we made for Chris and Jerina's red pink and black wedding!!
What you need for this wedding aisle runner.
30" X 25' plain aisle runner or tulle fabric. (We used a plain white aisle runner bought from Walmart)
Silk rose petals 7 red 8 pink 300ct. package (we bought ours at the dollars store.)
1 can of krylon spray adhesive (bought at Michaels)
Hot glue gun and glue sticks.
Optional: 3' curtain rod or dowl.
5'6" ribbon any width.
Work in 2' sections spray fabric with adhesive. Press petals on to fabric allowing them to over lap covering the fabric. Use one color for the first 4 feet then start adding the 2nd color. We did the first four feet on both sides first and filled in the middle. Loose petals and petals that were overlapping several others were hot glued in place.
When you have finished gluing the petals on. Roll the curtain rod or dowl up in the aisle runnerpetals on the inside.
Tie a slip knot on both ends of the ribbon. Slip ribbon on either side of the curtain rod and tighten just enough for it to glide when it is rolled out.
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