Wednesday, April 27, 2016

3 DIY Bridal Party Flowers with a Phantom of the Opera theme: #2 Musical Note Boutonniere

Today we are continuing our wedding party flower tutorial series with our music note boutonnieres.
To make this simple boutonniere you need

Supplies and Tools 
One silk rose bud                               
One silk rose leaf                               
Green floral tape                                  
 Black ribbon
 12 gauge gold aluminum wire
 Hot glue
 Scissors / Glue gun /Needle nose pliers

First trim the stem to about 2 inches  using the wire cutters or needle nose pliers.

Trim any extra leaves off leaving the largest leaf at the top of the stem.

So it looks like this.

Next wrap the stem of the leaf to the stem of the rose so rosebud sits against the widest part of the leaf.
Start wrapping under the rose head pulling lightly so the tape stretches a little wrap down the steam and back up under the rose and tear.

Next wrap the stem with the ribbon start at the bottom glue and wrap over the cut edge and up the stem. Cut the ribbon fold the cut under and glue. Then  glue the ribbon to stem.

To make the music note use your fingers to form the head and stem of the note. Start with the center of the head this will hold the note to the rose.

At the top of the stem use a pair of needle nose pliers (tape the tip of the pliers to prevent them from leaving grooves in the soft wire) to make a small loop to start the flag. After you have made the first loop measure how much wire you need to finish the flag on the note and cut off the excess wire. At the end of the flag make another small loop with the pliers and shape the flag. You can use a template to help get the size and shape you like just shape the note over it and make sure you have a large loop in the middle of the note head.

Next bend the loop in the center of the note head so you can slide the rose stem into it. If the loop is to big just squeeze the loop until it stays where you want it.

And your done!
Hope you enjoyed our Music Note Boutonniere tutorial! If you make one of your own leave us a picture or let us know how it turned out!

Next week will finish off our Bridal Party Flower Series with the bride maids bouquet you don't want to miss it! So check out our blog next week!

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