Monday, June 6, 2016

DIY Paper Toss Bouqet

Last week we made a toss bouquet for Britany's Phantom of the Opera themed wedding! It turned out so cute we wanted to share it! We made these lovely paper roses from sheet music we downloaded and then coffee dyed. We used these great tutorials we found Here to dye the sheet music and the paper rose tutorial we found Here. We pretty much followed these tutorial to the letter the only thing we changed was adding a paper collar to the bouquet to hide the stems.
For the collar we drew a circle on light weight poster board just big enough to cover the underside of the bouquet. Then we found the center of the circle and cut a slit to that point. Then cut another circle  and put the stems though and over lapped the the ends of the slits until the poster board made a cone and fit snugly under the rose heads. Then we stapled the overlapped edges and together.
To cover the poster board we simply spray painted a coffee filter gold and fitted it over the cone poster board (the filter just happened to be the right size about an inch larger than the circle so it peaked out around the rose heads). The same way we fitted the cone on the bouquet only gluing the filter to the cone with white glue.

We think it turned out really cute and so did the bride to be!