Monday, January 30, 2017

Part 2 Wedding Recption Masquerade (Phantom of the Opera theme)


The pomanders for the table scapes consists of softball size wiffle balls, Hiawatha moss, 35 silk rose heads and a lot of hot glue.
We first glued the moss over the entire ball. Then we glued the roses over the moss. Leaving a open spot to attach the ball to the candlestick.To prevent the ball from falling off the candlestick. We glued a rolled up piece of card stock inside one of the holes of the wiffle ball then we glued the rolled up piece of card stock inside the candle cup.

Candle sticks
We didn't have enough pillar candle sticks, so are inexpensive fix was gluing canning lids to the top of taper candlesticks. To give the candlesticks a heavier look we glued the canning rings to the lids and covered the rings with black ribbon.

For the rose petal table runner we used this tutorial Here and simply added more petals to make it wider.
All candles we used were electric. We bought them after Christmas very inexpensive.

Card Cage
For the card cage  we simply spray painted an old decorative birdcage gold and glued black ribbon around the cage. We used to same Christmas ornaments masks we had used for the aisle  markers. We painted the masks and silk roses with gold spray paint. (We did take  the roses apart and paint each layer of petals after they were dry we reassemble them.) Then we tied and gold wired ribbon into a bow on the ring on top of the cage and glued the painted roses and leaves  underneath the bow  the gold birds were clipped on either side of the bow to the leaves. For the bottom of the cage we cut out a circle of black card stock slightly smaller than the cage. We centered gold sticker letters to spell out the word "cards" to the card stock. Then centered the card stock circle and glued it to the bottom of the cage.  For a more personal touch we put their names on the black ribbon next to the mask. To make it easy we printed out their names in a pretty font put a piece of wax paper between a piece of satin tape and the paper and traced over it with a gold paint marker. We removed the tape and put it on the ribbon.

Hope you are enjoying this series we are almost done with it our next post will be on the Candelabras and Newel Post decorations DIY

Monday, January 16, 2017

Wedding Reception Masquerade (Phantom of the Opera theme)

View of the backdrop

We finally edited the pictures from Britney's Wedding. I really loved the way the decorations came together with their venue Chantilly Mansion in Layton, Utah. Wish we could have decorated more but we had very limited set up time. Almost everything had to be made before hand and just set in place.  Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we enjoyed putting it all together.

The guest book table .

  For the guest book table we used a
a matching guestbook & pen set we picked up for less then 5 dollars at Hobby Lobby on clearance . We just added glitter, sticker, letters for their names and music notes for decoration.Our candelabra was once a lamp we bought at a yard sale for $3 dollars. We removed all of the wiring and some hardware replaced the white tubing ( faux candles) with candle cups then we use battery operated candles. The pomander is made up of 35 dollar store roses (6-7 per bush) a softball size wiffle ball we covered in moss and a lot of hot glue. The little gold turtle doves are Christmas ornaments bought after Christmas we clipped to the flower petals on top of the pomander.

Turtle doves

Chair sashes
For the sashes we used wired ribbon and music note pins. The pins were handmade by us, from corn starch & baking soda clay recipe we found here. 

Aisle markers

Aisle Markers were Christmas ornaments we picked up for 10 cents each after Christmas. We spray painted them to gold and hand painted the jewels with a high gloss black to match the brides colors.

  Next week we will be posting the DIY's and pictures for the Card Cage and Table Scape's                                                                                 

Table Scape's